27 August 2021
The grant recipients, clockwise on the photo: Anoek Nuyens, Strijbos & van Rijswijk, Naomi Velissariou, Slagwerk Den Haag, Katja Heitmann, Tin Men & The Telephone, Arno Schuitemaker, Ensemble Klang.
The grant recipients, clockwise on the photo: Anoek Nuyens, Strijbos & van Rijswijk, Naomi Velissariou, Slagwerk Den Haag, Katja Heitmann, Tin Men & The Telephone, Arno Schuitemaker, Ensemble Klang.

In April 2021, the Performing Arts Fund NL introduced the International Promotion Programme. This programme offers support to companies and ensembles to develop and implement an international promotional programme over a period of two years at most. An independent committee selected eight organisations.
109 performing arts organisations indicated their interest in the programme. An international, independent committee selected twenty organisations from the applications and invited them to submit a project plan. Eight organisations were eventually selected from these submissions:

Anoek Nuyens: € 50,000
Arno Schuitemaker: € 48,940
Katja Heitmann: € 33,340
Ensemble Klang: € 50,000
Naomi Velissariou: € 50,000
Slagwerk Den Haag: € 34,500
Strijbos & van Rijswijk: € 50,000
Tin Men & The Telephone: € 50,000

To give an impression of the project plans:
In the coming two years, dance company SHARP / Arno Schuitemaker aims to gain specific knowledge of the French market as well as expertise in the field of promotion by collaborating with an intendant and international assistant. The goal is to achieve more prominence and presence in France and to accomplish a transition from small to larger international venues.

Jazz trio Tin Men & The Telephone aims to find new audiences by accessing new markets and platforms at the intersection of new media, art and technology. The trio will use its agency to perform targeted research into these possibilities, specifically in the United States and East Asia. Tin Men & The Telephone also wants to realise longer tours, rather than occasional performances, and it has developed a staged action plan to achieve that goal.

Theatre maker Naomi Velissariou is developing an international marketing strategy for the alter ego pop icon that she created jointly with Joost Maaskant in the Permanent Destruction trilogy. The goal is to find a new and young audience, in part through a social media campaign featuring this pop icon. Velissariou further aims to develop a durable network of international partners, and she wishes to boost local publicity regarding the productions made as part of the Fast Forward programme and the European network apap – FEMINIST FUTURES.

Music theatre group Strijbos & Van Rijswijk will use the support to create two marketing tools and to hire a producer. With the two tools, an app and a VR application, the Advisory Committee believes that the company will be able to communicate about new artistic work in an ingenious and sustainable manner. The producer will use these tools to access new markets and to recruit new commissioning clients and presentation venues.

About the International Promotion Programme
The International Promotion Programme offers support to companies and ensembles wishing to take a further step in their international positioning. The programme offers Dutch performing arts organisations with international ambitions the opportunity to develop and implement a strategic plan aimed at exploring and expanding into markets abroad. Organisations can use the support provided by the Performing Arts Fund NL to explore foreign markets, to develop a marketing plan, and to specifically target programmers and festivals abroad.

The budget for this round is 400,000 euros; the maximum contribution per applicant is 50,000 euros for two years. The part of the budget not allocated in this round will be added to the budget of the next round. The International Promotion Programme will again be open to applications in 2022.
Photo: © Ralph Winedt & Luan Buleshkaj - Distanshá
Photo: © Ralph Winedt & Luan Buleshkaj - Distanshá
Photo: © Nathalie Hennis
Photo: © Nathalie Hennis
The ISPA fellows (clockwise from top left): Mxolisi Masilela (© Mashudu Phophi), Yannick Noomen (© Mario Spada), Andrea Voets (© Koosje Koolbergen) and Maya Roest (© Khalid Amakran)
The ISPA fellows (clockwise from top left): Mxolisi Masilela (© Mashudu Phophi), Yannick Noomen (© Mario Spada), Andrea Voets (© Koosje Koolbergen) and Maya Roest (© Khalid Amakran)
Photo: ©Doriene Marselje
Photo: ©Doriene Marselje
Van Doesburg residency | Photo: © Johannes Schwartz
Van Doesburg residency | Photo: © Johannes Schwartz